For 2024-2025 incoming 9th grade course information, see Mr. Vincent's section.
Earning College Credit in High School (beyond our DUAL CREDIT options)
Here are some Colleges in WV that offer college credits for high school students. These colleges charge $25 a credit hour, plus the cost of books. Most courses are 3 credit hours, so it will only cost you $75 for most courses. These are NOT Dual Enrollment Courses, so you are not earning high school credit, just college credit. Any college credit bearing course can get you approved for an early release from high school. New River is not your only option to do this. Some courses require a certain test score on either an ACT, an SAT, or a placement test such as New River's ACCUPLACER test to be eligible. They will also require some form of documentation from East that you are enrolled and meet their GPA requirements. This documentation may differ from program to program.

The College Foundation of West Virginia
College advice, college admission applications, pay for college, financial aid, scholarships, apply online for admission, online applications, etc.

West Virginia Technical and Community Colleges
West Virginia Community and Technical College System (CTCS) is a statewide system of nine regional community colleges serving the state of West Virginia.