Greenbrier County Schools will be closed today due to localized flooding and road closures.
almost 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Schools Closed
Happy Valentine's Day! We love our students, staff, and GCS families!
almost 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Happy Valentine's Day!
CALENDAR REMNDER: The two-hour early release for Faculty Senates on April 28 has been moved to April 21, 2023. The Annual Showcase for the Arts is on April 28. Please be sure to note this update on your calendar.
almost 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Calendar Reminder
Free internet connections through June 30, 2023, are still available for eligible Greenbrier County Schools households. Any GCS families who have NOT received a letter with information about a free internet connection are encouraged to call the technology office at 304-647-6484 to check to see if they are eligible.
almost 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Free Internet Connections
Planning is underway for the 2023-2024 school calendar! We invite parents, students, staff, and community members to complete a brief online school calendar survey at The survey closes on Friday, January 20. Calendar options and a planning guide are available at GCS will host a public forum regarding the calendar on February 14 at 5:30 p.m. and March 14 at 5:30 p.m. at the Kyle & Ann Fort Arts & Sciences Building on the campus of New River CTC. The 2023-2024 school calendar will be presented for approval at the regular meeting of the board of education on March 14.
almost 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
2023-2024 School Calendar Survey
Alderson families, please note that the Cedar Avenue morning pickup location for Eastern Greenbrier Middle and Greenbrier East High students has been relocated to the front of Alderson Elementary on Elmwood Avenue, effective immediately. This change is necessary due to construction. School security will be onsite in the morning to guide the new process. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Bus Announcement
Happy New Year from Greenbrier County Schools! Schools are closed in observance of the holiday. We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday, January 3,.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Happy New Year
Wishing our students, staff, and community a very merry Christmas! Please remember Tuesday, December 20, is the last school day before the holiday break. Wednesday, December 21, is a Professional Learning & Faculty Senate Day for staff. The winter break begins Thursday, December 22, and runs through Monday, January 2. School reconvenes on Tuesday, January 3. Enjoy a restful holiday break!
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Holiday break reminder
10th grade field trip forms for the movie trip next week are due tomorrow. We will be going to the movies to see Devotion next Thursday 12/8. Please turn in forms to the front office.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier East High School
Are you interested in Math Field Day? Sign up in Mrs. Brooks Room (H109). The deadline to sign up is January 13th, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier East High School
Math Field Day Sign Ups
Happy Thanksgiving Break - November 21 -25!
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Thanksgiving Holiday Reminder
Greenbrier County Schools will operate on a 3-HOUR DELAY TODAY, Thursday, November 17, due to inclement weather.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
GCS Operating on 3-Hour Delay
CALENDAR REMINDER: Tuesday, December 20, is the last school day before the holiday break. Wednesday, December 21, is a Professional Learning & Faculty Senate Day for staff. The winter break begins Thursday, December 22, and runs through Monday, January 2. School reconvenes on Tuesday, January 3. Enjoy a restful holiday break!
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Holiday break reminder
GCS is proud to partner with the WVSU Extension Service, Children's Home Society, and Greenbrier County Family Support Center to present the Healthy Grandfamilies Resource Fair at The Marvel Center in Rupert on Monday, November 14, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Healthy Grandfamilies Event on Nov. 17 at Marvel Center
Greenbrier County Schools reminds families that schools will be closed on Tuesday, November 8, in observance of Election Day and Friday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day. Please remember continuation of the school levy is on the ballot.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
GCS Closed Election Day & Veterans Day
Please remember that continuation of the school levy is on the election ballot. The levy supports school security (including police officers in all schools), art & music programs; instructional materials & supplies; capital improvements; facility maintenance & repairs; personnel outside the school aid formula; and maintains employee benefits. Early voting ends Friday, November 5. Schools are closed on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
School Levy information
It is the time of the year to complete the school learning environment survey for Greenbrier East. This is a state designed survey to allow insight into our school. Parents can complete the survey by copying the link below: Parents can access the survey at: Parent login code: P026501
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier East High School
Last week at the Concord Business Challenge, our business and marketing students competed against 10 other schools and approximately 265 students. Bailey Jones placed 2nd in Business Plan, Myrna Hamilton won 1st place in Business Plan. Cadence Stewart placed 3rd in Finance. Cole Synder won 1st for Current Business Events and placed 2nd in Marketing. Aly Vandall placed 2nd in Business Communications. Cole Morgan won 1st in Microsoft Office Concepts. We had one $4,000 scholarship winner - Cole Snyder. We placed 3rd overall. Congratulations to all of our students! We are proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier East High School
Concord Business Challenge
SMART 529 SWEEPSTAKES: SMART529 is celebrating 20 years by giving away three $20,000 savings scholarships to West Virginia children ages 14 and under. One scholarship has been given away already, but there is still time to register for the remaining two. Visit for more details regarding the sweepstakes. Families must register to be eligible for the sweepstakes.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools
The continuation of Greenbrier County's school levy is on the Nov. 8 election ballot, and early voting at the Courthouse and Rupert Community Center is open now through November 5. Please remember schools will be closed in observance of Election Day on Tuesday, November 8, and Veterans Day on Friday, November 11. The levy, which has been in place since 1974, funds school security (including police officers in all schools); art and music programs; instructional supplies and allotments; capital improvements, facility maintenance and repairs; and personnel outside the school aid formula and maintain employee benefits. Forty-four WV counties have school levies in place. With the approval of a 60% levy, Greenbrier County will rank 36th among those counties in taxpayer contribution to education. Please visit and select School Levy from the Site Menu options to learn more.
about 2 years ago, Greenbrier County Schools